Our team

PRASBX Directors

As PRASBX Directors, Heather Hurst and Boris Beltrán have managed the study and reassembly of the mural fragments, directed new excavations at regional sites, integrated the use of lidar into project research, and continued to advance efforts in site stewardship and conservation. Together, they spearheaded a new collaboration with the National Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, Guatemala, which created a collections room and permanent exhibition of mural fragments. Hurst is an Associate Professor at Skidmore College; Beltrán is a Research Associate at Skidmore College.


Dr. Heather Hurst has been a central figure on the San Bartolo-Xultun Regional Archaeological Project since 2001, when asked to draw the exposed mural during the first group expedition led by William Saturno. As an archaeologist and illustrator, Heather has conducted research at the sites of Bonampak, Copán, Holmul, Oxtotitlán, Palenque, Piedras Negras, and Tikal. However, the work at San Bartolo-Xultun, particularly its artworks and research on ancient artists’ materials, has been her primary focus for the past 20 years; she became Director in 2018. Through this interdisciplinary approach, Heather has earned the accolades of a MacArthur “Genius” Award and a Guggenheim Fellowship.

Lic. Boris Beltrán has been a member of the San Bartolo-Xultun Regional Archaeological Project since 2004. He is an archaeologist with many years of fieldwork experience at Maya sites, including Copán, Honduras, and El Zotz and El Tintal, Guatemala. At San Bartolo, Boris excavated the earliest phases of the Las Pinturas complex and its murals associated with a buried E-Group. He has extensive experience working in Late Preclassic architectural contexts, artifact analysis, and mapping, as well as the excavation of monumental architecture at Xultun. In recent years, Boris has initiated investigations at the newly discovered center of Xulbe and explored nearby sites identified using lidar data. Boris became co-Director in 2015.

PRASBX Research Team

Helping us share our story.

PRASBX Documentarians

Riley Mallory - filmmaker. Building on his experience creating a film for Ndakinna, a Native American education center in upstate New York, Riley has been our on-site documentarian since 2023. Through videography, ethnographic documentation and still photography, Riley is creating short documentary films that capture PRASBX’s current research, recent discoveries, and camp life.

Luke Hollis - digital humanist. Founder and developer of several digital humanities startups, Luke creative endeavors focus on preserving and offering access to our shared cultural heritages. Luke has partnered with research centers and historical sites in over 30 countries to digitally record and share cultural heritage. At PRASBX, Luke leads our digital imaging and 3D modeling of the San Bartolo mural chamber for upcoming virtual reality and documentary products.

Rony Rodriguez - wildlife photographer. A local Petenero, Rony has extensive experience photographing flora and fauna in the Maya Biosphere Reserve. With our current objectives, Rony contributes to our documentation of biodiversity in the San Bartolo region and our study of species depicted in the Preclassic mural paintings.

Team members 2024

José Alvarado Aldana

Roger Alvarado Rodríguez

Luis Felipe Alvarado Saquij

Francis Leonel Alvarado Saquij

Cristina Ba Rax

Angelyn Bass

Charlie Bettigole

Linda Brown

Ruben Caal Pan

Miguel Ángel Caal Xo

Edgar Cano Velasquez

Ignacio Izabel Jacobo Chajón

Mario Israel Choc

German Choc

Alejandra Cordero

Jessica Craig

Godolfredo Baltazar Cunil Obando

Angel Armando Dávila Florian

Alberto Everardo Dávila Florián

David del Cid Castillo

José Giovanni Díaz Ramírez

Luís Enrique Flores Rodríguez

Pedro Herrera Furlan

Robert Griffin

Kelsey Herndon

Robert Griffin

Maggi Klug

Jerónima López Ruano

Evaristo López Toralla

Riley Mallory

Samuel Mayen Valladares

Elvira Mendoza Raymundo de Espino

Elmer Olivares

Rosaura Ortíz Carrillo

Dennis Paz

Tiburcio Alberto Pérez Cabnal

Enrique Pérez Zambrano

Hector Pop Cucul

Douglas Porter

José Arimateo Ramírez

Catalino Ramos Lima

Rony Rodriguez

Juan Carlos Sagastume

Jaime Noe Saquij Choc

Fátima Anahí Solares

Luis Tranquilino Tzin Rodríguez

Abelardo Uyu Yup

Antolín Velásquez López

Thomas Warscheid

Eugenio Yat Xoj

Franco Rossi

Héctor Leonardo Zacal Salazar

Jesús Abrahan Zacarías Santiago

Josué Murillo

David Stuart

Special thanks to collaborators and volunteers: Wendy Ambrocio, Lenny Ashby, Regina Beltrán, Mónica Úrquizu, Mónica Pellecer, Mará Luisa Lemus España de Calvo, Laura Gámez, José Luís Garrido Ramírez & Karla Izaguirre de León, René Ozaeta, Milady Casco, Doña María Gualim and the Restaurante Okan Arin, Ann Stuart and the Boundary End Center, Jesse O’Connell & Kathy Dorando, Skidmore College. IDAEH Supervisors: Emerson Aju, Byron Hernández, María René Jerez, Efraín Peralta. Marcial Córdova, Rodolfo Cruz and the Sociedad Civil Árbol Verde, Dimas Pérez and Parque Tikal, and the communities of Caoba, Dolores, Ixlu and Uaxactún, Guatemala.

20+ years of collaboration

107 Archaeologists, scientists, and specialists have collaborated on investigations of SBX site history, technology, and material culture

200+ Excavators and camp personnel from local Petén communities have been the core of our team

80+ Guatemalan and International students have gained archaeological experience at San Bartolo-Xultun